Category: investments
Monk Says…Sometimes it just comes down to timing
Timing, or what some call luck, is when opportunity meets preparation. When Lynell Bevels shared that Umpqua Bank was assisting home ownership with the assistance of Richmond Neighborhood Housing Service, I couldn’t believe my eyes. I am very familiar with the agency and how they put people in homes because I went through their workshop…
Monk Says… It all starts with your WHY (your goal)
The 1st step on your investment journey begins with your why. If you don’t know where you’re going, how do you know when you’ve arrived? Your why is just that, YOUR why. It doesn’t matter if your WHY is to fund your retirement, send a child to college, or to pay for your next vacation.…
Monk Says…There is a time for Reflection
Something that was taught to me by a broker friend of mine: look back on your investments and decide whether your position achieved the goal of the purchase or not. We as humans look back at the year and decide if it was a good year or not – which is why we make New…
Monk Says…The Greatest Gift From Grandparents, Uncles, and Aunties
The holiday season is now upon us. Gifts will be bought and gifts will be given. Michael Jackson sang that you must give love on Christmas Day and there is no greater gift than love. So, the 2nd greatest gift is the gift of ownership. Can you name what you gave or received 3 Christmas’…
Monk Says…Generational Wealth: Why most people will never achieve it
This post on generational wealth is based on a chapter in my upcoming book on financial literacy Dr Boyce Watkins’ verbal imagery summarizes it like this, “generational wealth is a relay race”. The Proverbs say that a wise person leaves an inheritance to their children’s children. First, if you’ve survived tech layoffs, automation, and globalization…
Monk Says…Emotions and Your Investments: Love
(or, How I was blinded by Love) Part 3 of 3 It is said that love is blind, but to quote The Teacher, KRS-1 from Boogie Down Production, “Love’s gonna get cha’. You see, I loved the Fisker Karma story so much that I didn’t get out of my position in Quantum Technologies when I…
Monk Says…Emotions and your investments: Hate
(or, Why I never bought Tesla) Part 2 of 3 Most people think that Godfather III is the worst movie of the Godfather trilogy. I don’t know about that, but in The Godfather III Micheal Corleon told his nephew, “you should never hate your enemy, it clouds your judgment”. This was a lesson I had…